Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Key West" - With Family and Friends

 It was rather cool and overcast...


Weird seeing Christmas decorations everywhere...

Chicken's were everywhere, running free. They keep 'em around for insect control. Unlike up-north, where it freezes, insects don't have a chance to die any other way but by chicken I guess....

 Ashleigh, looking out as we take the trolley through town...



Key West was an Adventure. I think the thing I loved most about Key West was the fact that I was no longer on a cruise ship! It was an experience floating along on the Atlantic, rocking back and forward - trying not to topple over. Walking on firm ground is a blessing. (is that a metaphor for something? I think maybe) Key West is beautiful because in December you will never find snow :) but even though it is a tropical climate, we found ourselves in jackets for most of the day, the wind was rather chilly. Ducking in and out of shops and of course Starbucks (above is a pictures of Daniel peeking out the window while he waited for his white mocha) As much as I enjoyed the vacation, and being with family, I'm not sure I will ever go back. Although, if someone want to hand me free tickets... I probably won't turn them down!

~ Amanda