Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Key West" - With Family and Friends

 It was rather cool and overcast...


Weird seeing Christmas decorations everywhere...

Chicken's were everywhere, running free. They keep 'em around for insect control. Unlike up-north, where it freezes, insects don't have a chance to die any other way but by chicken I guess....

 Ashleigh, looking out as we take the trolley through town...



Key West was an Adventure. I think the thing I loved most about Key West was the fact that I was no longer on a cruise ship! It was an experience floating along on the Atlantic, rocking back and forward - trying not to topple over. Walking on firm ground is a blessing. (is that a metaphor for something? I think maybe) Key West is beautiful because in December you will never find snow :) but even though it is a tropical climate, we found ourselves in jackets for most of the day, the wind was rather chilly. Ducking in and out of shops and of course Starbucks (above is a pictures of Daniel peeking out the window while he waited for his white mocha) As much as I enjoyed the vacation, and being with family, I'm not sure I will ever go back. Although, if someone want to hand me free tickets... I probably won't turn them down!

~ Amanda

Saturday, June 12, 2010

"Daniel" - Senior Year

I love portrait shooting. Daniel's senior shoot was no exception. Shooting Daniel's photography at his grandparents beautiful farm homestead, we traveled from one destination to another in their golf cart! It was a beautiful piece of property and an ideal locations to take these pictures of Daniel the "country boy." I need to find me more seniors to take pictures of in my area! This was so much fun! I am currently working on a portrait program that I will be launching this fall :) :) more info to follow then; maybe then I'll get my wish for "more."

~ Amanda

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Friends Forever - Playground Fun

These two are pretty much adorable beyond all measure! I was on my way to Texas, stopping by a friends in Oklahoma, and when I saw Brookelynn and Sasha playing “out back” I couldn’t resist scrambling for my camera and taking about a million shots! Here are a few highlights. We had the time of our lives playing house, (yes I crawled into the house to have “dinner” ) playing with the dog, riding bikes, playing in the pink sand box, and the grand finale…. (drum role please) …feasting on nerds! Yumm

Actually - these pictures are very “yumm” if you ask me

~ Amanda